Saturday, 27 February 2016

Beginners' Group - working large

After many sessions working mostly on 7x5 inches paper size, and a few times on 10x7 inches, this is the first session working on a relatively large size paper: 1/4 sheet (14x10 inches). I know from my own experience that it is a bit scary, thinking on how are you going to cover all that white with paint, and what if it fails, etc.
So, after doing 2-3 small studies of roses, trying to get around with color mixing, washes for leaves, how to work one area at the time, what to do with the background, and all that helpful staff, we went for the large size.
The task is to magnify and draw by hand a given line drawing, then work first on the background after actually deciding on the entire palette (e.g. what colors to use for the background if I want to make the rose pink/orange/red?), and then go to the details on the leaves and roses.
Here are some photos from the first part (drawing):

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